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  • Writer's pictureDr. Sasha Speer, DPT

Jackfruit Maple Ginger

I received a text from a friend who is a fabulous Vietnamese chef and she asked if I wanted any jackfruit…maybe I could make a pie with it?

I, of course, said yes and went to pick it up.

She also had jackfruit seeds she had tossed in anise and cinnamon and some lemons from our other friend’s backyard she preserved (a nicer way of saying pickled).

I had never had these before – so decided to challenge myself with all three new ingredients.

The final pie was an all-time favorite! For me and quite a few others. The maple and coconut oil in the crust tied everything together nicely. One friend, said the pie transported them to the tropics J

Most people who ate this pie had never had jackfruit before – and were pleasantly surprised at how good it was!

In case you can’t find fresh jackfruit in your area, try an Asian market, or ordering canned jackfruit online. And if you can’t find pickled lemons or jackfruit seeds, this pie will be a wonderful one still without them.



Recipe in progress...


Crust (top and bottom):

2 1/2 c all-purpose flour (+ a little extra for rolling)

1 sticks (16 tbsp) unsalted butter, cut into ½ in cubes, room temp

½ c coconut oil, melted

1 tsp salt

1 tbsp brown sugar

1 tbsp pure maple syrup

3-6 tbsp very cold water

Combine all dry ingredients and blend evenly. Add wet ingredients and mix evenly. Lastly add butter and blend with hands until mixed evenly and butter forms small pea sized balls or smaller.

Form into two equal sized balls, dust with flour, and roll out each ball into a disk size over saran wrap or wax paper. wrap in saran wrap and put in fridge for no more than 15 min.

Remove and place bottom portion into 9“ deep glass pie dish, pressing into corners to ensure it is well placed.


½ c preserved (pickled) lemons

¼ c jackfruit seeds (tossed in anise and cinnamon)

2.5 c jackfruit

1 can (11.25 oz) sweetened condensed coconut milk

1 can (13.66 oz) unsweetened coconut milk

Pulse jackfruit, lemon and seeds 4 times in a food processor until all are in small chunks. Add coconut milks and stir until mixed well. Add on top of bottom crust.

Place top crust over filling and pinch edges of top and bottom crusts together, cutting away any excess crust.

Crumble excess crust evenly over the top.


1 lg egg yolk

1 tbsp cream

1/8 c pure maple syrup

½ inch ginger

Place all ingredients into food processor and blend until ginger is in small pieces. Drizzle evenly over top crust just before placing in oven.

Bake at 375 deg for 20 min, reduce heat to 350 def F and bake for another 50-60 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Remove and serve warm or at room temp.

Serves 8.

Final deliciousness.

In case you haven't seen a jackfruit... they look like they are from another era

They layers went together so well!

Enjoy and stay tuned each week for a new pie!



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